Wednesday, 03 August 2022 15:27

SEA-PLM’s Next 5 Years Discussed at The Second Project Steering Committee Meeting

Wednesday, 03 August 2022 | Merina Cahya Anggraeni

Bangkok, Thailand: The second SEA-PLM Project Steering Committee (PSC) Meeting took place on 25 July 2022 in Bangkok, Thailand. Key members of the SEA-PLM programme attended the in-person meeting. Attendees included Dr Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela, Director and Dr Xayapheth Chaphichith, Deputy Director of Programme and Development of SEAMEO Secretariat, Dr Roger Yap Chao, Jr, Assistant Director and Head of Education, Youth, and Sports Division, and Ms Amalia M. Serrano, Senior Officer from the ASEAN Secretariat. The ASEAN-Republic of Korea Programme Management Team (AKPMT) was represented by Mr Jae Hwan Kwon, Team Leader, and Mr Anggiet Ariefianto, Manager.

Co-Chair of the SEA-PLM Secretariat, Dr Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela, articulated SEA-PLM’s continued contribution and monitoring of education quality in the region through the programme’s next assessment round, SEA-PLM 2024. Dr Xayapheth Chaphichith highlighted SEA-PLM’s support for CMLV (Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam) towards building learning assessment capacities in the greater Mekong region. Dr Roger Yap Chao, Assistant Director and Head of Education, Youth, and Sports Division, ASEAN Secretariat, concurred on strengthening and building capabilities at institutional and individual levels as vital to increasing regional technical expertise in international assessment.

Mr Antoine Marivin, SEA-PLM Senior Project Manager, and Mr Alejandro Sinon Ibanez, SEA-PLM Project Manager, discussed the role of the SEA-PLM Secretariat and provided an overview of activities planned, challenges and opportunities for effective planning, and implementation of the SEA-PLM project. During this PSC Meeting, Mr Jae Hwan Kwon and Mr Anggiet Ariefianto from ASEAN-ROK Project Management Team provided strategic guidance on project implementation strategies. They emphasised the significance of continued dialogue and communication to ensure the smooth implementation of the SEA-PLM activities.


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