Friday, 01 July 2022 10:00

SEA-PLM featured in the APREMC-II Virtual Side Event to discuss findings and policy implications to accelerate learning recovery and tackle learning losses in the region

Friday, 01 July 2022 | Merina Cahya Anggraeni

SEA-PLM was featured in a virtual side event for the 2nd Asia-Pacific Regional Education Ministers’ Conference (APREMC-II) 2022 on 03 June 2022. The leading discussion during the virtual side event was accelerating learning recovery to tackle the learning losses in the region caused by prolonged school closures. International and regional education experts discussed key thematic areas concerning the pre-existing learning crisis exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and how the findings of SEA-PLM and comparative regional learning assessments can inform decision-makers in the region to achieve learning recovery. 

In her opening remarks, Dr Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela, Director, SEAMEO Secretariat, and Co-Chair of the SEA-PLM Programme, asserted SEA-PLM's continued contribution to ensuring inclusive and quality education for sustainable development in the region. Ms. Mitsue Uemura, Regional Education Advisor, UNICEF EAPRO, spoke about the significant role of partnership in supporting the program's sustainability to help attain a resilient school policy and practice system. 

Education experts Mr Antoine Marivin, SEA-PLM Senior Project Manager, and Ms Jeaniene Spink, Research Director, Education and Development, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), presented the SEA-PLM 2019 findings in response to the learning crisis and shared valuable insights and suggestions toward an effective learning recovery. Dr Benjamin Blevins, Education Researcher, and Ms Ghalia Ghawi, Education Research Manager from UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti, shared new evidence from SEA-PLM 2019 secondary analysis on learning loss, global citizenship, and students’ wellbeing. Ms Ghalia recommended practices that facilitate students' resilience, motivation, engagement, and achievement. 

Regional experts Dr Hyowon Park (Korean Education Development Institute, KEDI), Dr Mikyung Kim (Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation, KICE), and Dr Richard DLC Gonzales (Inno-Change International Consultants, Inc., Philippines) offered further insights and guidance for transformative and sustainable education policies and practices in the region.

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