Comprehensive training


Capacity building of participating countries is integral to the objectives of SEA-PLM, with a core commitment being the strengthening of national-level capacity for the planning, implementation and transformation of assessment results. While a central focus of SEA-PLM capacity building is supporting countries to apply common standards for all technical operations, the approach encompasses the complete assessment cycle from inception to the use of results for education reform.



seaplm in myanmar


During the implementation of one assessment round, support is oriented towards each country's National Technical Team and key decision-makers charged with SEA-PLM management. Support comes in the form of regional and national training activities and strategies, including face-to-face training at the regional and country-level, webinars, guideline resources, remote ongoing support and quality assurance.



seaplm in myanmar

Learning and co-creation

SEA-PLM creates space for networking, peer learning, mentorship, and collaboration on learning and assessment policies during regional meetings. By involving a range of education stakeholders throughout the phases of an assessment cycle, SEA-PLM contributes to developing collective regional experience in learning assessment, promoting dialogue and best practice among countries to encourage the use of evidence to transform education policy and practice.


Capacity-building programme outline for National Technical Teams