Wednesday, 26 August 2020 16:04

SEA-PLM Technical Webinar on Proficiency Scales and Database and Regional Team Meeting on SEA-PLM Activities and Reporting


Technical webinar


Due to travel restrictions during the pandemic, SEA-PLM Secretariat changed the format of an annual national team regional workshop from a five-day in-person training to a three-day technical webinar and a one-day regional online meeting. The Technical Webinar on Proficiency Scales and Database was organised during 4-6 August 2020. The Regional Meeting on SEA-PLM Activities and Reporting was organised virtually on 7 August 2020.

As part of the efforts of SEA-PLM Secretariat to increase the capacity of national teams, the webinar and meeting were organised in collaboration with the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) to:

  • Report the process by which the regional scaling parameters and described proficiency scales have been developed;
  • Increase an understanding of SEA-PLM national teams on managing and using the datasets, including the use of weighting, and the calculation and meaning of standard errors when computing results tables; and
  • Inform all SEA-PLM national teams on the regional and national preparations for reporting and disseminating regional results.

The webinar and meeting were well-attended by all six SEA-PLM national teams. After the meeting, SEA-PLM Secretariat will actively progress in preparing the regional report. SEA-PLM national teams will be regularly updated and consulted for reviewing and validating the structure and the contents of the regional report. 

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