Wednesday, 26 August 2020 15:44

SEA-PLM National Team Meeting

Despite the emergence of COVID-19 pandemic and its implications for implementing SEA-PLM activities, the SEA-PLM Secretariat continues to actively progress according to its agreed masterplan by adapting its implementation to the new normal approach.

In SEA-PLM planning at the regional level, we hereby reaffirm our commitment to implementing all scheduled activities, particularly the public release of SEA-PLM 2019 results at the official launch of the SEA-PLM regional report on 1 December 2020. To ensure concurrent progress at the national level towards this important goal, SEA-PLM Secretariat scheduled a conference call with each national team in July 2020. UNICEF country office representatives were invited to join the call to encourage supportive collaboration between the national team and its local partner.

The call was successfully organised to update all national teams on the main regional activities, protocols and embargo rules. Based on the responses to National Planning Guide 2020 survey submitted in March 2020, each national team updated the SEA-PLM Secretariat on a tentative national plan for reporting and disseminating national results at the national level after the completion of 1st SEA-PLM regional report launch on 1 December 2020.

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