Thursday, 16 November 2023 11:43

Empowering CLM Countries: Enhancing Basic Education through SEA-PLM Capacity Building

Educational experts from the CLM countries meet in-person at the 3rd SEA-PLM Capacity-Building Workshop with KICE on 9-10 November 2023 in Seoul, South Korea Educational experts from the CLM countries meet in-person at the 3rd SEA-PLM Capacity-Building Workshop with KICE on 9-10 November 2023 in Seoul, South Korea

The Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE) is at the forefront, providing invaluable technical assistance to the SEA-PLM participating countries, namely Cambodia, Lao PDR, and Myanmar (CLM), as a contribution to the pillars of the SEA-PLM programme.

The core mission of the partnership between the SEAMEO Secretariat, through the SEA-PLM Regional Secretariat, and KICE supports the fulfilment of one of SEA-PLM’s guiding pillars, empowering CLM countries in analysing assessment data and developing capacities to improve national education policies and practices through the co-implementation of contextualised capacity-building workshops.

Delegates from Myanmar Delegates from Myanmar (left) and Cambodia (right) participated in hands-on activities on item development aligned with Math-based curriculum during the first day of the workshop

As part of the capacity-building component of the SEA-PLM programme, KICE meticulously crafted a comprehensive face-to-face training programme for the CLM countries, taking place on 9-10 November 2023 in Seoul, South Korea. This two-day workshop will build upon the foundations laid in the online workshops, enhancing competencies in utilising evidence derived from the SEA-PLM learning assessments.

A series of online capacity-building workshops have been conducted, focusing on developing essential skills in analysing large scale assessment data and utilising evidence to elevate education policy and delivery. In the first online workshop held from 25 November to 05 December 2022, 54 CLM delegates engaged in discussions about curriculum alignment and were introduced to test development for school and classroom-based assessments. The second online workshop, held from 12 to 29 June 2023 and attended by 82 CLM delegates, provided in-depth and sustained training on assessment theories and data analysis. This was achieved through the analysis of SEA-PLM 2019 data and further aggregation at the country-level.

Dr Jimin Cho, Vice President of Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE) Dr Jimin Cho, Vice President of Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation (KICE)

In her opening address, Dr Jimin Cho, Vice-President of KICE, highlighted the Korean education experience, emphasising the pivotal role of assessment in shaping curricula and enhancing teaching and learning as crucial components for educational improvement.

Tailored for educational experts and practitioners within the Ministries of Education from each CLM country, the training programme focused on key topics tailored to their unique education contexts.

Delegates preseting at the workshopDelegates from Cambodia (left), Lao PDR (middle), and Myanmar (right) presented workshop outputs in reading and writing on the second day of the workshop

The training programme, designed by KICE in collaboration with the SEA-PLM Regional Secretariat, is part of the SEA-PLM programme’s main objective, which is to leverage the use of evidence in improving technical capacity of participating countries on assessment in order to monitor learning outcomes and enhance the quality of basic education in their respective countries.

Delegates from Cambodia and MyanmarDelegates from Cambodia (right) and Myanmar (left) doing hands-on activities on data analysis on the second day of the workshop

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