Thursday, 18 August 2022 21:12

SEA-PLM 2024: Letter of Engagement (LoE) signed with MOET Viet Nam

Bangkok, Thailand | Merina Cahya Anggraeni: In another advancement of renewing partnerships, SEAMEO Secretariat Director, Dr Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela, and Dr Nguyen Huu Do, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Education and Training (MOET), Viet Nam, signed a Letter of Engagement (LoE) agreeing to co-implement the Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics (SEA-PLM) 5-Year Strategic Plan, including the SEA-PLM 2024 Survey. The signing took place at the MOET premises in Hanoi, Vietnam, on 5 August 2022.

While commenting on Viet Nam's Grade 5 students' exceptional performance during the first round of assessment (SEA-PLM 2019), Dr Ethel Agnes Pascua-Valenzuela expressed the significance of SEA-PLM 2024, considering the rise in learning losses disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. She assured that through the programme's enhanced model and with the support of the implementing agencies, SEA-PLM can develop resilient education systems and foster equity in education in Southeast Asia.

Through SEA-PLM's first round of assessment, participating countries obtained robust evidence to answer critical questions regarding better learning outcomes. As a result, Dr Nguyen Huu Do expressed how these essential pieces of evidence caused educational innovation and influenced the implementation of new programs in Viet Nam. He also mentioned SEA-PLM's role in fostering regional education policy exchange as "a good opportunity for Viet Nam to integrate with other ASEAN countries." Assoc Prof Dr Pham Quoc Khanh, Deputy Director General, the Vietnam Education Quality Management Agency, Ministry of Education and Training, Viet Nam, shared vital suggestions to consider the application of information technology and digital databases, as well as improve knowledge exchange between participating countries.

Representatives from UNICEF Viet Nam also met the signing of the LoE with consensus. Chief of Education Officer, UNICEF Viet Nam, Ms Le Anh Lan, expressed the critical role of SEA-PLM in addressing the disparities in learning achievement and enhancing the development of foundational skills and competencies in the region.

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