Wednesday, 17 November 2021 14:00

SEA-PLM 2019: Discussing New Evidence on Learning Policy Roundtable: Low Performing Readers (Virtual)

The SEA-PLM Secretariat co-managed by UNICEF Regional Office for East Asia and Pacific (UNICEF EAPRO) and the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) Secretariat will organize the webinar SEA-PLM 2019: Discussing New Evidence on Learning - Policy Roundtable: Low Performing Readers.

This discussion will bring together Southeast Asian countries and their partners to learn about new evidence from SEA-PLM 2019 as part of their participation in the SEA-PLM programme. The purpose of the discussion will be: a) to better understand the profiles of low-performing readers; b) to reflect on the policy implications with experts and; c) to exchange on country experiences around reducing the risk of students being left behind academically across basic education.

As part of the discussion, the SEA-PLM Secretariat will launch a new SEA-PLM 2019 regional secondary analysis report - SEA-PLM 2019 latest evidence in basic education: Low performing readers in 6 Southeast Asian countries.

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